Online Baccarat – Why Playing it Online is More Fun

Bet selection is defined as the process of selecting the winning decision (player or banker) in baccarat or (pass or don’t pass) in craps. There are many methods favored by seasoned players. Some like to follow the shoe in baccarat or the roll in craps. By this we mean, the player bets the same as the preceding decision. Another favorite method of picking which side to bet on is the decision before last. Pattern recognition entriques many players as they search for compelling patterns. Streak play has sponded many systems in the baccarat game.

Baccarat seems to hold out the most hope to the mathematically inclined. Since the game is played out of a shoe that is generally not reshuffled until a baccarat game has been concluded. The math types declare there is dependency in the baccarat game. Dependency means as the first half of the baccarat shoe is played it necessary determines the composition of the second half of the baccarat shoe. Therefore, we should be able to develop some edge over the house in the second part of the shoe since we already know which cards have been played in the first half of the shoe (of course we would have to keep track somehow to know this). Card counting pioneered and used successfully in blackjack was attempted in baccarat. The result was slightly positive but very disappointing as the player advantage was very very slight. My advise on baccarat card counting; don’t waste your time, it won’t work.

Other methods of extracting the “dependency”  เล่นบาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท from the baccarat game have been explored.
Dr. S.H. Johnson performed extensive computer research using large volumes of live baccarat data. He studied thousands of reoccuring patterns in relation to the dominence of the shoe (banker or player) at the time the pattern occurred. He was able to extract an advantage only slightly less than created by card counting in blackjack. Dr. Johnson reports the practical limitation of this baccarat strategy is the very infrequent occurrence of betting opportunies. This strained the casino’s patience when he set out two thirds of a shoe before placing his advantaged play. The play required very large bets and a large bankroll to generate a modest profit. The good doctor concluded the strategy was more of a moral victory that a practical solution to taking the advantage in the baccarat game.

Some players take a unique approach based on the continuity of numbers in a negative expectation game like the baccarat game or craps game. The continuity of numbers concept behind this approach proves out every time we analyze the data on the main frame computer. This is not to say the concept will give you the infallible gambling system. Here is the basic idea. Let’s say we went to the casino with a group of researchers and we recorded every roll of the dice at the craps table 24 hours per day 7 days a week for 6 months. That would amount to thousands of rolls of the dice. Just for discussion, let’s say 6 months of continuous recording represents 650,000 rolls or decisions. Now, let’s say a individual researcher lives to be 102 years old and for 80 years of his life he went to the casino every day of his life. Each day he recorded 10 minutes of craps rolls at the craps table (not even at the same table everyday!). Let’s say for our little discussion, that the 80 years of 10 minutes a day produced the amount of decisions, the same 650,000 as the group of 24/7 researchers did in 6 months.